Saturday, March 3, 2012

Naming My Blog

When I decided to do a blog I had a name come to me that I thought was perfect but I was in the shower so I couldn't write it down and relying on my memory these days is really scary so naturally I couldn't think of it again....that is until last night right after I had started the blog and had to settle for another name. I actually settled on 'Recent Ramblings' but it was already taken so I added my name at the front. My 'perfect' name was 'Random Ramblings' because everything about this blog is going to be pretty random. I actually thought about calling it 'Random Ramlings of a Bipolar, OCD, ADHD, Beader' but I decided that was too long. So Coral's Recent Ramblings is where we works. I figure I'll be the female version of Andy Rooney....RIP....but hopefully not so cranky and I'm going to keep my eyebrows trimmed.....jk about comparing myself to Andy Rooney....he was one of a kind. People really liked him or they couldn't stand him....I for one really liked him. But if I could have just an 'Andy' minute here I noticed I use the word 'really' really alot....I've changed out a couple of them in this post and I'll work on doing better......really.....I will.


  1. Ramble away, my friend... and personally, I think you could 'rock' the bushy Andy Rooney eyebrows... just sayin' ;)
